Rob Stewart tribute mural to be unveiled Sept 9 at Carpark 58 - Green P Parking
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Rob Stewart tribute mural to be unveiled Sept 9 at Carpark 58 September 6, 2017

A tribute mural to honor the memory of Rob Stewart, the late award-winning filmmaker and conservationist, will be unveiled in his hometown of Toronto on September 9, 2017 at 9 Bedford Road (Carpark 58) starting at 3:00 p.m.

Earlier on Sept. 9, catch free screenings of Stewart’s award-winning documentary films — Sharkwater at 10 a.m.followed by Revolution at 12 p.m. in the Innis Town Hall Theater at University of Toronto. Seating is limited, so make sure to get there early.

Also, a Memorial Event will be held at 1 p.m. at Opus Restaurant, located at 37 Prince Arthur Avenue prior to the mural unveiling, which will include plenty of guest speakers. All events are open to the public.

The mural is the third one to go up in honor of Rob Stewart’s memory — murals have already gone up in Miami, Florida and Hawkes Bay, New Zealand as part of PangeaSeed Foundation’s Sea Walls: Artists for Oceans program to inspire individuals and communities to generate greater awareness and explore creative solutions surrounding pressing marine environmental issues.

Continuing Stewart’s life’s mission to show the human race that our existence on Earth relies on the health of the ocean, his third movie, Sharkwater: Extinction, is set for completion in 2018. It will further expose the multi-billion dollar shark industry that is secretly driving shark products into our everyday lives while simultaneously causing the mass extinction of one of Earth’s most important animals.
For more informatio, please click here for the news release.

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