Pilot project to provide designated parking spaces for Motorcycles and Scooters - Green P Parking
Service update: As of 8:30am July 9, all Green P parking facilities and pay machines are fully functional. Paid parking has resumed normal operations. We appreciate your patience during this outage. Please DM us for any questions, we’re happy to help.

Pilot project to provide designated parking spaces for Motorcycles and Scooters October 22, 2014

The City of Toronto, in conjunction with the Toronto Parking Authority, is introducing a pilot project that will provide free-of-charge, designated on-street motorcycle and scooter parking zones to create safe, convenient parking for motorcyclists.
Approximately 300 spaces have been allocated in 30 existing pay and display locations in the downtown core.  Six locations are operational now and the others will be by the end of September.  To view these locations, visit www.toronto.ca/motorcycleparking.
The pilot project will focus on areas where a significant number of motorcycle or scooters have been parked in the past.
These parking zones will be defined by line markings on the pavement as well as signage. The purpose of the pilot is to encourage motorcyclists to park at these locations and avoid parking illegally on city streets and sidewalks.
Over the next year, the Toronto Parking Authority staff will monitor the use of these sites.  The program will be evaluated over a one year period with final recommendations expected by fall, 2015.

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