Green P Launches a Custom Green P Button for Toronto Businesses - Green P Parking
Service update: As of 8:30am July 9, all Green P parking facilities and pay machines are fully functional. Paid parking has resumed normal operations. We appreciate your patience during this outage. Please DM us for any questions, we’re happy to help.

Green P Launches a Custom Green P Button for Toronto Businesses March 16, 2011

It will now be simple for Toronto businesses to direct their customers to
the nearest Green P parking lot so their customers can enjoy safe,
convenient parking at a fair price.

Through this new, easy to use feature, everyone from restaurants, to retail
shops, to hairstyle venues will be able to download a custom Green P button
free of charge to their own website which will map those Green P lots
nearest to their businesses.

Green P is Toronto’s favourite parking operator and continues to work with
businesses in our community to bring value add benefits to your Toronto
parking experience. This custom Green P button feature has been added in
the "Green P and Business" section of the website which offers other value
add parking options for Toronto businesses. Click to find out more!


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