Google Street View now in parking finder - Green P Parking
Service update: As of 8:30am July 9, all Green P parking facilities and pay machines are fully functional. Paid parking has resumed normal operations. We appreciate your patience during this outage. Please DM us for any questions, we’re happy to help.

Google Street View now in parking finder April 30, 2010

We’ve received a number of requests to show the entrance and exit points to carparks in our parking finder.  We’re pleased to announce that we’ve added this functionality.

Now, when you search for a location and click on the nearest Green P carpark, in the info-window that pops up, you’ll notice a link to ‘Show Street View’ .   Clicking on that link will overlay your map view with the Street View.  Here, you’ll be able to manipulate the window to discover entrance and exit points of that specific carpark.  To close this view, just click on the ‘close Street View’ button at the top right.

We hope you find this new addition useful.  And, as always, let us know if you have any feedback.


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