Lighting Upgrades at 51 Dockside Drive (CP286) - Green P Parking
Service update: As of 8:30am July 9, all Green P parking facilities and pay machines are fully functional. Paid parking has resumed normal operations. We appreciate your patience during this outage. Please DM us for any questions, we’re happy to help.

Lighting Upgrades at 51 Dockside Drive (CP286) October 10, 2019

Toronto Parking Authority will commence a lighting upgrade project at 51 Dockside Drive (Municipal Car Park 286) starting October 15, 2019. Approximately 25% of the parking stalls will be affected until December 31, 2019.  Please note that work will be conducted Monday to Thursday between the hours of 6pm to 6am to minimize disruption.

For more information on this car park, please click here.

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