About Us - Green P Parking
Service update: As of 8:30am July 9, all Green P parking facilities and pay machines are fully functional. Paid parking has resumed normal operations. We appreciate your patience during this outage. Please DM us for any questions, we’re happy to help.

About Us

About Us

Tostock-aboutronto Parking Authority (TPA) was founded in 1952 by the Toronto City Council. Its goal was to become a self-financing agency through parking revenue instead of municipal taxes. A City Board and Agent of the City under the City of Toronto Act, 2006, TPA is mandated to construct, operate, manage, and maintain the City’s public bike share program, municipal off-street parking facilities and on-street meter operations on behalf of the City and in support of local business areas.

Parking Stats

41,000      off-street       21,000      on-street       29parking garages


  parking spots  

Today, Toronto Parking Authority (TPA) is the largest municipal parking operator in North America, third largest bike share operator and largest operator of municipally-owned EV charging in Canada, with a substantial and valuable property portfolio for the City. As a self-funding agency of the City of Toronto, TPA returns 75% of its net profit to the City of Toronto to fund important municipal services and programs, including affordable housing, transit and parks development. Since 2002, TPA has contributed more than $1.4 billion to the City of Toronto through its net income sharing agreement. In 2023, TPA generated $143.6 million in revenue and returned a dividend of $32 million.

Green P remains one of the most trusted brands for mobility services in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA), contributing to the vibrancy and growth of businesses and residents in the communities it serves. TPA is focused on becoming an integrated part of Toronto’s transportation network and is committed to supporting new mobility solutions through its expansion of Electric Vehicle charging and Bike Share services.

Our Mission

  • Create a seamless customer experience that delivers on choice, ease, and speed through the city.

Our Vision

  • To become the world’s best provider of sustainable parking, bike share and last mile mobility experiences for our customers, our partners, and our city.

Our 5 Strategic Priorities

  1. Build a Great Place to Work

Our people are key to our success. In building a great place to work, we will focus on safety across the organization, employee engagement, attracting and retaining talent, and creating an environment that embraces respect, diversity & inclusion. 

  1. Strengthen the Core, Execute with Excellence

We will build and establish the foundation for a great organization, executing with excellence for the best customer experience.  Our focus is on ensuring a state of good repair, effective business analytics, and maximizing operational performance.

  1. Drive Sustainable Growth

The post-pandemic world has brought an enhanced focus on our business growth. We will accelerate our growth and ensure financial sustainability. To achieve this, we will conduct a strategic review, elevate bike share, develop and leverage brand partnerships and management agreements, and enhance customer acquisition.

  1. Connect with our Customers

The customer experience must be second to none. We will better connect with our customers, by improving our mobile app, our contact centre and wayfinding.

  1. Innovate with our City Stakeholders/Partners

Working with our stakeholders and partners, we will work towards our vision of being the world’s best provider of sustainable parking, bike share and mobility experiences. This means placing a strategic emphasis on electric vehicles, innovation labs, and co-creating parking and mobility strategies with our partners.

A Brief History of TPA

  • June 24, 1952 – Council of the City of Toronto passed By-law 18680, establishing the Parking Authority of Toronto
  • 1998 – Upon City amalgamation the former Parking Authority of Toronto and the former Parking Authority of North York merged into one new entity, As a result The Toronto Parking Authority came into being under the City of Toronto Act. Parking properties from the other five predecessor municipalities were also transferred to the TPA at this time.
  • 2022 – The Toronto Parking Authority celebrated its 70th year.

Our Strategic Framework

  • The Toronto Parking Authority continues to be guided by its strategic framework, established in 2021.

Board of Directors

  • Consisting of two  members of Toronto City Council and five appointed members of the public, the seven-member Board of Directors sets Parking Authority policies and oversees its operation. City Council appoints the Board’s chair, and the Board elects a vice chair from among its members. The City’s senior transportation member is a non-voting member of the Board. The term of office for public board members is 4 years. TPA’s Board of Directors consists of the following members
Hartley Lefton
Board Chair
Namby Vithiananthan
Board Vice Chair
Frances Nunziata
Paula Fletcher
Maureen Farrow
Board Member
Ruth Uy
Board Member
Zeshan Khan
Board Member

Executive Team

  • TPA’s Executive Team is responsible for the day-to-day management of the organization. TPA’s current Executive Team consists of:
W. Scott Collier
Rose-Ann Lee
Chief Financial Officer
Arlene Yam Fritz
Vice President of
Human Resources
Jeffrey Dea
Vice President of Growth & Strategy
Jarrett McDonald
Vice President of

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